Sanata Dharma Welcoming 3 Students under the KNB Scholarships Sanata Dharma University accepted three students under the scholarship program KNB (Kemitraan Negara Berkembang). The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology offers this program to develop countries overseas. This program aims to provide an opportunity for students from specific countries to continue their bachelor studies…
Read MoreSix Students of Darmasiswa Approved in Sanata Dharma University (SDU) Darmasiswa is one of the scholarship programs held by the Minister of Education and Culture in collaboration with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Darmasiswa scholarship is offered to all foreign students from any country which have a diplomatic connection with Indonesia to study language,…
Read MoreKSU Teaching Practice: 4 students of Kyoto Sangyo University Practicing Internship in SDU Sanata Dharma University (SDU) welcomed four students from Japan to implement teaching Japanese courses through the collaboration program with Kyoto Sangyo University named KSU Teaching Program. During two weeks in Yogyakarta, the four students practiced their teaching skills by observing the teaching…
Read MoreSanata Dharma Hosts International Conference on Environment and Poverty Sanata Dharma University (SDU) hosted “The 3rd APTIK International Conference on Poverty and Environment on Human Sensitivity: Justice, Solidarity, and Open Vision” organized by the Association of Catholic Universities (APTIK). The conference focusing on the environment and poverty was held on Friday, 8 September – Saturday,…
Read MoreTwo Students from English Letters and Informatic Study Program Goes to IISMA 2023 In the spring semester of 2023, an annual scholarship program IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) was again implemented and opened opportunities for undergraduate and vocational students from Indonesia to study aboard at 110 host universities spread across 26 countries. Two students…
Read MoreA Collaboration between the Department of English Letters Universitas Sanata Dharma (USD) & the Department of Linguistics, Hong Kong University (HKU) On Friday, March 3, 2023, the English Letters Department received 17 students and two (2) teaching staff of the Department of Linguistics, Hong Kong University (HKU). During their visit to Sanata Dharma (March 3…
Read MoreStudent Orientation for HAN University’s Students 2023 Eight HAN University Netherlands students underwent orientation before starting their regular classes at Sanata Dharma University. They are taking a number of classes ranging across English Letters, Master of Management, Theology, and English Education study programs. The orientation was done in cooperation with Vice Rector IV Mrs. Caecillia…
Read MoreInternational Teaching Practice at Xavier Learning Community, Thailand On November 24 until December 17, 2022, eight students from English Language Education Study Program and English Education Master’s Program were doing an Overseas Teaching Practicum in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Specifically, they were doing it in Xavier Learning Community, a Jesuit school in Thailand that focuses on…
Read MoreSanata Dharma University in CALOHEA Erasmus+ National Dissemination Meeting 2023 Sanata Dharma University takes part in the CALOHEA (Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia) research project from 2021 – 2023. In the framework of the CALOHEA Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Union, the representatives of Sanata Dharma University…
Read MoreIISMA’s Vocational Edition 2022 Awardee from USD Goes to Kangwon National University, South Korea In the Fall semester of 2022, Sanata Dharma University sent its awardee of the IISMA Vocational Edition, Marcell, to his university of choice the Kangwon National University in South Korea. He spent one whole semester living in South Korea, from the…
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