Two Students from English Letters and Informatic Study Program Goes to IISMA 2023


In the spring semester of 2023, an annual scholarship program IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards) was again implemented and opened opportunities for undergraduate and vocational students from Indonesia to study aboard at 110 host universities spread across 26 countries. Two students from Universitas Sanata Dharma have been selected as IISMA 2023 awardees among the students that have registered. They are Ghazali Ahlam Jazali from Informatics study program and Priska Jeanny Rosanty from English Letters study program. Later, these students will study at the host university they have choosen by choosing several course offered by each host university. 


Priska Jeanny Rosanty was successfully accepted at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy and enrolled in three courses, which are Artificial Intelligence, Family Law, Environmental Law, Performing Arts between Arts and Politics, dan Global Humanities: Critical Theories and Transactional Cultures. In this occasion, Priska shared her impression of IISMA. “To be honest, I didn’t expect to be accepted to be an IISMA awardee on my first try. I want to make use of this program to the fullest extension and share to my other friends in Indonesia the experience I learned overseas.” 


On the other hand, Ghazali Ahlam Jazali was successfully accepted at University of Pennsylvania, United States of America and enrolled in four courses, which are Econometric Machine Learning Methods and Models, Data Science for Studying Language and the Mind, Ideas in Mathematics, Language, Cognition, and Culture. Ghazali shared his positive impression for IISMA 2023, like the one that Priska had. “I feel happy to have the opportunity to study aboard at one of the best institution in the world. I hope that the experience I get latter at UPenn will be useful and allow me to contribute for my country.”


Apart from attending lectures, students will have the opportunity to try and participate in several activities at their host universities. It is hoped that students will make Universitas Sanata Dharma proud and Indonesia by participating in the IISMA, not only gaining as much experience but also information as they can.