The Learning Results of Seventh Grade Cendana School of Stella Duce 2 Junior High School, Yogyakarta Using Problem-Based Learning in Dividing the Line’s Segments

Sepriani Liliana
Sanata Dharma University, Paingan Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning outcomes of students after participated in learning using problem-based learning in the line’s segment dividing material. The research method that was being used in this reseacrh is descriptive qualitative research. The research was conducted in March 2018. This research includes giving tests and interviews. The research subjects consists of 4 seventh grader of Stella Duce 2 Junior High School of Yogyakarta that were selected based on the tendency of the answers to the written test. The Data are presented in the form of student works and interview results. The Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive manner. The results showed that the ability of seventh grader of Cendana class of Stella Duce 2 Junior High School of Yogyakarta in dividing the line segments into several equal parts and dividing the lines into several parts with certain ratio was still not maximum. Therefore, although some students have been able to understand the given problem, most of them also been able to divide the line segments without taking measurements, but there are also students who do not understand the problem and also cannot divide the line without taking measurements. There is also a student who does not understand the problem, but he can divide the line segment without taking measurements. But the result is that the end result is not right, because understanding the problem is not right.

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Liliana S 2019 The Learning Results of Seventh Grade Cendana School of Stella Duce 2 Junior High School, Yogyakarta Using Problem-Based Learning in Dividing the Line’s Segments Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematical Analysis, Its Applications and Learning (15 September 2018, Yogyakarta) ed B Utomo (Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press) pp 60–68