Among Method in Learning Mathematics to Increase Skill of Problem Solving and Construct the Character of Students

Study Program Master of Mathematics Education Sanata Dharma University of Yogyakarta


Mathematics is a lesson that have important contribution as a model into construct the character of students. Mathematics also have contribution that big enough into construct the mindset which can help the human to finishing problem solving in daily activity. This aim of research to find agreeable between the theory of Ki Hadjar Dewantara with learning mathematics into construct the character and the ability to solve the problem the students mathematics. The result showed that the theory of Ki Hadjar Dewantara like Among method can applied to learning mathematics because of among method contains the meaning to guide the students with full of honesty and the prioritize the interests of the students. Learning method and educate among method use slogan Trilogi of leadership especially philosophy of Tut Wuri Handayani that have meaning the students as a center of teaching learning process, while the teacher as a adviser the students, follow from behind, observe, guide students if needed. It is appropriate with learning mathematics curriculum 2013, that is the students study mathematics constructively into frame of problem solving, so with among method hope can increase the ability to solve the problem. In addition, with the among method also can build student character such as honesty, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, and curiosity. System among contains cultural values that are extracted from the nation’s own culture so that students are not easily influenced by negative culture.


Learning Mathematics, Among Method, the Ability of Solve the Problem

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Mujiono 2019 Among Method in Learning Mathematics to Increase Skill of Problem Solving and Construct the Character of Students Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematical Analysis, Its Applications and Learning (15 September 2018, Yogyakarta) ed B Utomo (Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press) pp 34–43