Misconception’s Analysis of Students Junior High School in Solving Algebra Problems Term of Field Independent and Field Dependent Cognitive Styles

Fernando Yoga Nasution
Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Students who can not mastered mathematical concept well then other concepts that are related will be difficult to understand and ultimately the student will be through misconception. This study is aimed to describe the misconception of junior high school students in solving algebra problems in terms of field dependent and field independent cognitive style. This study is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subjects are two junior high school students with categories of cognitive style field-dependent and field-independent, they are female and have medium mathematical skills. The data were collected by giving algebraic problem solving tasks with CRI (Certainly of Respon Index) instruments and task-based interview. The results showed that the misconceptions of each type of cognitive style had varies. At the field-dependent students misconceptions that occur in generalizing algebraic forms, notations, and application rules, while field independent be through misconception in generalizing algebraic forms. The causes of misconceptions students field dependent are lack of understanding of the basic concept of algebra and lack of interest in learning. The causes of misconceptions student field independent are lack of understanding of the basic concept of algebra.


Misconception’s, CRI, Cognitive Style

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Nasution F Y 2019 Misconception’s Analysis of Students Junior High School in Solving Algebra Problems Term of Field Independent and Field Dependent Cognitive Styles Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematical Analysis, Its Applications and Learning (15 September 2018, Yogyakarta) ed B Utomo (Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University Press) pp 1–6